Monday, September 24, 2012

Feb 7, 2011

Prasanna left today - Gigi arrived at around 2:30. A strange thing happened today.  There's a baba who sits near Assi Ghat - he's there always with a pet monkey. After lunch at the pizzeria, P got ahead and I was trailing when the baba asked me how I was related to P. Told me something had happened to P ("Koi hawa lag gay hai"). Asked me to take care of him and said that even though he maybe quiet/peaceful now things may go out of hand. Said he knew a guru who could help him - totally psyched me out… said he was taking care of himself - helping Soni - but there was some change recently. It was also uncanny how the baba seemed to know how many months P's been here…

P adopted Brownie from Shiv-Ganga lodge and brought him back to Assi ghat - such a peaceful dog. This is going to complicate things further. I spent the least amount of time with P today - he seems to be tiring of my company. Also chatted with Rakesh at Harmony. He actually brought P's condition up saying that he used to be much quieter and spend long hours quietly - now he seemed more exuberant and came and went in a flash. He's also told Rakesh about the "enlightenment"… Rakesh is very skeptical and suggested getting a psychologist to meet him but couldn't think of anyone - knew of Jhanwar but had little regard for him. Gigi spent more time with P and by around 9 pm was tired and wanted both of us to leave.

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